Soju is the most sold alcoholic beverage in the world. It’s often packaged in green bottles for several reasons.
- One reason for the use of green bottles for soju is that the color green is associated with health and vitality. This can make the beverage more appealing to consumers, as it suggests that it is made from natural ingredients.
- Green glass suggests a higher class or higher quality product. Think Heineken vs Corona – which has a more “premium” feel?
- The color green can help to protect the alcohol from damaging UV rays, which can cause it to spoil or lose its flavor over time. Green bottles are designed to filter out a significant portion of UV light.
- The main reason that you see so many different brands with the same green bottles is because of Korea’s bottle recycling program. If you look close enough, you might even see the name of a competing Soju on a bottle (for example you might see a Good Day logo on a Chamisul bottle) as the main Korean Soju companies all reuse each others bottles. The majority of Soju came in green bottles until Jinro broke the green bottle pact and released the “Jinro is Back” blue bottle. Shortly afterwards both Muhak and Lotte released a Soju variety in a blue bottle.

Generally the use of green bottles for soju is a strategic decision that is based on several factors, including participation in a bottle recycling program, the color’s association with health and natural ingredients, its ability to filter out UV light, and its potential to make the beverage more appealing to consumers. By packaging soju in green bottles, producers enhance the perceived value and quality of their products, which can help to increase sales.